Intel® Xeon® Processor 3000 Sequence

The Quad-Core and Dual-Core Intel® Xeon® processor 3000 sequence-based platforms unleash the computing power of the Quad or Dual-Core Intel Xeon processors. The new 45 nm Quad and Dual-Core processors feature enhanced Intel® Core™ microarchitecture that provides your business with exceptional performance and power efficiency at a very affordable cost.These servers are ideal for small business owners looking for ways to grow business, manage operation more effectively and efficiently, and protect and secure one of their most important assets - information.

Product information

Quad-Core and Dual-Core Intel® Xeon® Processor 3000 Sequence-based Platforms Product Brief (PDF 3.40MB)Performance benchmarksCompare Intel® Xeon® processor features

Java* performance benchmark

Quad-Core Intel® Xeon® processor unsurpassed for 1P Java* application performance.
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Web business Lampwork Etc. uses quad-core to boost performance and add growing room.(PDF 361KB)

Features and benefits – Intel® Xeon® 3000 sequence processors

Quad-Core Intel® Xeon® processor 3300 series
Built for business growth: Based on enhanced Intel® Core™ microarchitecture, 64-bit Quad-Core computing with up to 12 MB on-die cache and 1333 MHz front side bus provides the performance necessary for small, medium business owners looking for ways to support rapid business growth on small technology budgets.Also suitable for building small, cost-effective HPC clusters that create high-performance, personal super computing solutions and work-group clusters.
Dual-Core Intel® Xeon® processor 3100 series
Power Efficient: Based on enhanced Intel Core microarchitecture and featuring 45nm manufacturing technology, your servers will deliver high performance on demand and consume less power when demands are low.
Enhanced Intel Core microarchitecture
Delivers better performance on multiple application types and user environments at a reduced power envelope.
1333 MHz front side bus
Up to 10.6 GB/s with 1333 MHz.
Dual-channel DDR2 memory with ECC
Up to 8 GB dual-channel DDR2 Error Correcting Code (ECC) memory with Intel® 3200 series chipset that checks and corrects system memory errors.

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